Today is primary day and 3.5 million Flori

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Barack Obama in Knox College's GizmoGram

Talk/Talk: She's Vulnerable
California: Dems want independents to vote in their primary
California: Earlier primaries bad for independents?
Washington: Supreme Court to consider "top two" primary
Oregon: New Independent Party qualfied
Slim pickins for the right wing
Louisiana: Independent voters numbers climbing
California: McCain wants independent voters voting in the primary
Anti-Trans-Texas Corridor forces on the march


Anonymous said...

Interesting, I recognize that photo. I believe I took it. Are you a Knox alum? Also, I see you are a "community activist" and I grew up in community. How small the world is sometimes, no?

Andy Fitz

Nancy Hanks said...

Andy - sorry for the delay in my response. I tried to email you at Knox but the system blocked it. I am not a Knox alumni, but my political mentor, Fred Newman, taught at Knox in the sixties, and in fact wrote a wonderful play call "Left of the Moon" about his experience there during the turbulent times of moving from the staid fifties to the "wild" sixties.

Great photo! Are you involved in politics?

Keep in touch! - Nancy