Today is primary day and 3.5 million Flori

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Conversations on Political Zeitgeists, Pendulums, Polarization and Independents

Interesting post at South by Southwest: Zeitgeist and the Pendulum... asking the question "Will the political pendulum swing with next year's elections? For those of us who occasionally border on "desperate" in our wish for significant political change, the current reality is of more than passing interest. Which way do you think the pendulum is swinging as we head into 2008?" In my personal opinion, the pendulum swings as ordinary people make some "other" decisions. As they (we) see other possibilities?

And also from last Sunday's Talk/Talk with Jackie Salit and Fred Newman:
Are The Times They Are A-Changin'?

Newman: It makes no sense to say the extremes are responsible for polarization. It's the center that's responsible for polarization. The extremes are the polarization.

The extremes are the poles.

Right, so they're not responsible for it. Actually, the extremes tend to push towards the center to make themselves more acceptable. They go towards each other. But I would say the center is most responsible for what we call polarization in the United States of America today.

How does that work?

If you look at what polarization is, it seems to me, it's not about there being two opposing positions which put you at the extremes. It's about accommodating everything so as to win by one vote. That's wherein the polarization lies. If you're doing politics that way, which is how it's been done in recent years, it becomes exceedingly polarizing. Why? Because you don't get an honest look at the different positions people are taking. It's dishonest and antithetical to what Thomas Jefferson, for example, understood as a precondition for real working democracy, which is that people honestly state and openly vote for the positions they authentically adhere to, and then you develop ways to mix those things together. But now, at the center, there's an entirely different phenomena going on, one of "win at any cost." That's the source of polarization...

You can get a ticket for Barack Obama's Harlem appearence at the Apollo Theater here:
Barack Obama at The Apollo Theater Thursday, November 29th Doors open 7:00 p.m.The Apollo Theater 253 W. 125th Street New York, New York 10027

And I hope you'll enjoy the new Hankster swicki widget "News for Independent Voters" on the sidebar: click on "independent thinkers" and you will find Rob Redding's new site -- a think tank, educational and advocacy group founded to foment sweeping nonpartisan philosophical thought: Independent Thinkers.... and click on "grassroots independent" you'll find Oklahoma Grassroots Campaign (Oklahoma Progressive Activists who "Never Underestimate the Power of the Grassroots") or speaking of OK -- Kim Wright, founder of an independent voter group in the state, can be found here by clicking on "independent voters".... VERY INTERESTING!!! Try it, you'll like it!


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