I know I'm losing authorities on Technorati! Then again, I've always had a bit of an authority problem.... But here's what's happening:
WHERE THE INDEPENDENTS ARE.....A daily news feed of, by and for Independents across America.
Today is primary day and 3.5 million Flori
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The George Russell Effect: Is Technorati losing its Authorities?
I know I'm losing authorities on Technorati! Then again, I've always had a bit of an authority problem.... But here's what's happening:
New York Times crossword puzzle puzzle
Dear Hankster:
The NYTimes crossword puzzle continues to be the most (only) part of the paper with a clue:
Clue 41 Down in the 4/30 puzzle is "Like some primaries"
The answer: "open"
Now if only the crossword puzzle editor would have a word with the news desk...
- Arlen Specter independently changes parties; it's an independent Pennsylvania story
- Voting Rights on the chopping block
- New York Repubs join Independence Party to endorse Mayor Bloomberg -- Lenora Fulani says why she's supporting Mike
- John Zogby: Obama needs independents to succeed
- Repub strategist Denis Calabrese: Indies don't think Repubs stand for anything
- Obama's First 100 Days a big success among indies
- South Carolina Repubs reeling from Obama victory - try to exclude indies from open primaries
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
- Chris Cillizza: Independents made Obama
- Repubs having trouble attracting independents, considering Romney again (yikes), lost Arlen Specter, and are probably on their way out....
- New Yorkers don't like Mayor Bloomberg's overriding term limits, but court upholds the usurpation -- Randy M. Mastro, a former deputy mayor who is representing the plaintiffs, said of the judges’ opinion: While the courts may have found this term limits extension to be within the legal authority of the mayor and City Council, that doesn’t make it right. What the mayor and City Council did here in extending their terms by legislation, and thereby thwarting the will of the voters, was simply wrong and undemocratic.
- Here's a link to the term limits decision. And another piece here...
- That said, Dr. Lenora Fulani explains why she thinks Mayor Bloomberg deserves a third term.
- Illinois Gov Pat Quinn's Ethics Commission recommends open primaries
Are Americans ideological???
Politics for the People Lecture: Dr. Omar Ali

"A Brief History of How Independents Have Expanded American Democracy: The Tensions, Turmoil, and Triumphs of Movement-Building"
Saturday, May 9, 2009
2:30 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.
New York County Lawyers' Association
Dr. Ali is a visiting professor of history at Vanderbilt University and the author of In the Balance of Power: Independent Black Politics.and Third-Party Movements in the United States.
From 1776 to the election of Barack Obama, political independents have been on the cutting edge of the American democratic experiment and are responsible for many of the small events that brought about big changes.
On Saturday, May 9th, join Cathy Stewart and special guest Dr. Omar Ali, professor of history at Vanderbilt University and author of In the Balance of Power: Independent Black Politics and Third-Party movements in the United States for a thought provoking conversation about the role of independents in the development of our country... and the impact we are having in reshaping contemporary politics.
SATURDAY, MAY 92:30 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.
Followed by a book signing with Dr. Ali
New York County Lawyers' Association
Main Auditorium14 Vesey Street
(Between Broadway and Church St.)
New York, NY 10007
Directions:Subway: A,C,E to World Trade Center; N, R, W to City Hall; 2, 3 to ParkPlace; 4, 5 to Fulton Street; M to Fulton StreetBus: M1, M6, M9, M15, M22, M103 to CityHall/Fulton Street area
Seating limited.
Please R.S.V.P. at 212.962.1699
Bloggers Unite For Hunger And Hope
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Conversations: Morning Joe and Ideology
Talk Talk: Law and Disorder
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Monday, April 27, 2009
- CQ quotes Pew, but they don't quote real independent voters...
- Illinois voters and open primaries
- New Dem head in California wants to defeat open primaries
- California Forward supports open primaries
- Will California get a constitutional convention to deal with the budget and political reform?
- Golisano, Bloomberg, Independence Party - upstate
Friday, April 24, 2009
- South Carolina Repubs sue to keep independents out of the primaries
- Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham disagrees
- This one thinks parties should close their primaries and pay for them
- The politics within California's reform movement...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
- Political campaigning in the digital age
- Repubs holding out on Bloomberg, meanwhile NYC Independence Party moves ahead
- Mayor Mike likes Barack
- California open primary would help
- South Carolina Repubs want to keep independents out
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Talk Talk: Pirates, Policy and a Pooch
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Monday, April 20, 2009
- GOP chair moves to block Democrats from voting in Republican primaries (RUDOLPH BELL, Greenville Online)
- Primary fight (Beaver County Times & Allegheny Times PA)
- West Virginia Repubs want to keep open primary
Democracy & Technology: Power to the People, or Technology to the People?
- The Tea Parties: Republican-engineered, expressing independent views, something Washington ignores at its own peril.... Obama must be mindful of overreaching....
- Newark's Mayor Cory Booker endorses independent Mayor Mike Bloomberg
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Democracy & Technology: Power to the People, or Technology to the People?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
- Somehow Steve Kornacki wrote a whole article in the PolitickerNY about New York fusion voting without ever mentioning Mayor Fiorello La Guardia or Mayor John Lindsay.... Fusion is a good tool for anti-corruption forces, a fact that Kornacki conveniently leaves out....
- Bloomberg wants WFP but does WFP want Bloomberg? and the Repubs say aye
Monday, April 13, 2009
- Mayor Mike goes for 3rd line
- Bloomberg lines 'em up
- Unaffiliated believers rising at the same rate as independent voters
- Illinois Gov. Quinn favors open primaries -- article from The Windy Citizen, a Chicago-based user-generated news source started by journalist and web developer Brad Flora.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
- Obama 'post-partisan' politics reshape ideological divide (Clarence Page, Times Daily - Alabama)
- White House Cheat Sheet: Polling Polarization (Chris Cillizza, Washington Post/The Fix)
- Partisans Argue Over Partisanship (By Dan Balz, Washington Post) More about the Pew Polarization Poll
- South Carolina Republican Party Official Boosts Anti-Independent Candidate Bill (Ballot Access News)
- Petition candidates legislation: Bill would provide a level playing field (By KATON DAWSON, Herald-Journal - SC)
- Strictly Political (Posted by Tom Wrobleski,SI Advance/PolitBureau) AN INDY SPLIT ON BLOOMBERG: Steve Isler speaks out on behalf of "grassroots independents" [sic]... NOTE: Steve Isler no doubt has organzied about 2 independent voters on Staten Island.... Hmmm... what's wrong with THAT picture? Apparently Tom Wrobleski is a novice when it comes to covering independent politics in New York City.... too bad -- he's missing an exciting new development connected to the national independent movement.
- Bloomberg Wins Bronx Support To Run As Republican (By: NY1 News) The mayor ran as a Republican in his first two elections, but later gave up his party affiliation and became an Independent. He is already set to run on the Independence Party line, which has angered some Republicans.
- Mayor Michael Bloomberg will run as Republican in bid for third term (BY ELIZABETH BENJAMIN, DAILY NEWS) as posted on Huffington Post
- New York, NY - Bloomberg to Run Third Term as Republican (י"ז ניסן תשס"טJewkey)
Friday, April 10, 2009
- Gary Andres says independents could save the Repubs... [Reminder: Gary doesn't believe in independents]
- Andrew Sullivan talks about the Pew Polarization factor
- Capitalism 35, Socialism 27
- Crain's New York confuses Nassau with NYC Independence Party...
Thursday, April 09, 2009
- Winners and Losers (Politicker NY)
- This Week in the Voice (By Roy Edroso, Village Voice/Runnin Scared)
- Bloomberg's Loyal Cult: The Independence Party - Despite mayor's term-limits flip, Independence Party says all is forgiven (By Tom Robbins, Village Voice)
- Bloomberg on Push Polling: It Ain't Me Babe (By Tom Robbins, Village Voice/Runnin Scared)
- Mayor Bloomberg solicits high schoolers as paid interns (BY MEREDITH KOLODNER, DAILY NEWS)
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
More News Headlines for Philsophical Independent Voters
- From 'Post-Partisanship' To Polarization - The Partisan Divide In Obama's Approval Ratings Has Widened Considerably, But Does It Matter? (by Amy Walter, National Journal)
- Inside Politics - Despite calls for a “post-partisan” presidency, a recent Pew Research Center study found that President Obama has the most polarized job-approval ratings for a new president in 40 years. (By Sean Lengell, Washington Times)
- Watch The Independents - With Partisanship Still Strong On The Hill, Obama Will Need To Keep Up His Clout Among Non-Aligned Voters (by Charlie Cook, National Journal)
- CBS News/NY Times Poll: Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New High (By JOE GANDELMAN, Editor-In-Chief, The Moderate Voice)
- Morning Read: Bloomberg's Independence, Fulani's Race, Council Raises (Politicker NY, By AZI PAYBARAH) Comprehensive notes include links to The Hankster -- h/t to Azi Paybarah!
- Elsewhere: Ferraro Backs Gioia, de Blasio Backs Tolls, Rangel Stays Out of Mayor's Race for Now (By KATHARINE JOSE, Politicker NY)
- Mayor Mike Bloomberg gets Independence Party endorsement (BY ERIN EINHORN , DAILY NEWS CITY HALL BUREAU)
- Now in Mike's fish tank: Howard Wolfson, annotated (NY Newsday/Long Island/Politics)
- Mr. Governor, you're no Obama (Bill Plante, Newbury Port News) "Yet,'' Freddy said, "but in politics nothing is forever, although it seems so sometimes. We have open primaries, which means anyone can vote for whomever. That's why we got Romney. There may not be enough Republican votes out there to elect a governor, but there are more unaligned voters. Democrats have ruled the Hill for so long that the time may be at hand for the unaligned to say, 'Enough already.'''
- Daniel Weintraub: Former speaker returns in reformer role (By Daniel Weintraub, Sac Bee) Open primaries or even nonpartisan state government along the lines of what we have now in local government might be something Hertzberg one day supports.
- Elections by mail? (Bob Roberts Reporting, WBBM 780 Chicago)
- Illinois - Our Opinion: Don’t give up on open primary bill (THE STATE JOURNAL-REGISTER)
- Dem icon Burton shoo-in for state party leader (Carla Marinucci, SF Chronicle)
Talk Talk: Obama's Model
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Monday, April 06, 2009
NYC Independence Party endorses Mike Bloomberg for Mayor
- * Bloomberg's New Site Focuses on Independence, Economy (Gotham Gazette/The Wonkster)
- * Rangel And Clinton Praise Bloomberg (Elizabeth Benjamin, NY Daily News/Daily Politics)
- * Mayor Mike Launches Website (Weekly Standard/Blog)
- * Independence Party Endorses Bloomberg (By: NY1 News)
- * Independence party endorses Bloomberg (Associated Press, WRGB Albany - CBS6)
- * News Of The Day (Elizabeth Benjamin, Daily News/Daily Politics)
- * Independence Party Endorses Bloomberg (by Arun Venugopal, WNYC.org)
- * 3rd Party for Mike (NY Post)
- Mayor Mike Bloomberg gets Independence Party endorsement (BY ERIN EINHORN, DAILY NEWS CITY HALL BUREAU)
- Mayor Bloomberg Gets Independence Party Endorsement (By Tim McDevitt, Epoch Times)
- Mayor Bloomberg of NYC is endorsed by Independence Party (Independent Political Report)
- Independent Party endorses Bloomberg (WCAX - Vermont)
- Independent Party endorses Bloomberg (by Associated Press, SI Advance)
- Bloomberg Gets Independence, Staten Island GOP Committee Endorsements (By Roy Edroso in Village Voice/Runnin Scared)
- Bloomberg Shakes Hands, Earns Praise at the Big Independence Party Meeting (By Azi Paybarah, New York Observer)
Lenora Fulani: Innovation, Independence, and In the Interest of our Kids
Sunday, April 05, 2009
New York City Independence Party gathers for endorsement screening of Mayor Bloomberg
Jackie Salit: Independent Mayor Bloomberg "true to himself"
- Partisanship is the enemy of progress
- Independents are the engine of the change we need
Independence Party of New York City Endorses Michael Bloomberg in 2009 Race for Mayor
Independence Party of New York City issued this press release tonight:
Bloomberg Tells Fellow Independents
“Let’s Make History Together”
New York, NY—The Independence Party of New York City voted tonight to endorse Mayor Michael Bloomberg at a joint executive committee session at the Avalon Hotel in Manhattan. The Independence Party is the first political party to endorse the Mayor’s re-election bid and secures for him line “C” on the ballot in the 2009 race.
“This is going to be an unprecedented partnership. This is his third run for mayor, but his first as an independent,” said Jackie Salit, a founder of the party. “We both agree that partisanship is the enemy of progress. And this partnership is about moving an agenda for non-partisan reform.”
“It's great to be here with some fellow independents," said Bloomberg who spoke before the gathering of some 80 members of the five county executive committees. "I'm very proud to be the city's first independent Mayor...In January of 2010 hopefully there will be first ever swearing in of an Independent Mayor of New York City. Let's make history together!"
Following his address, Mayor Bloomberg met privately with the five county executive committees. After the meeting the executive committees conducted an endorsement vote. He received 93% of the vote, making the Independence Party the first political party to give him a line on the ballot.
NYC Republicans & Mayor Bloomberg: Will They or Won't They?
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Politics for the People - Brooklyn April 3, 2009
The Independence Party hosts the Cathy L. Stewart Politics for the People class throughout the year.
NYC Independence Party organizations to interview Mayor Michael Bloomberg Sunday
- N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg to get minor party's backing (Reuters)
- Indy Line Won't Come Cheap (Elizabeth Benjamin, NY Daily News/Daily Politics)
- IP to hear Bloomberg, make mayoral endorsement (Posted by Tom Wrobleski, Staten Island Advance)
- Bloomberg On Tap To Get Indy Nod Sunday (Elizabeth Benjamin, NY Daily News/Daily Politics)
Thursday, April 02, 2009
- Senate votes down open primaries (Associated Press, Chicago Tribune)
- Primary election changes defeated (By Dan Carden | Daily Herald)
- Illinois’ primary voters must continue to declare their party (By Kevin McDermott, St. Louis Post-Dispatch Springfield Bureau)
- Senate rejects open primaries (Galesburg.com)
- Under the tarnish, still golden (From The Economist print edition) California open primaries
- Grocery Workers to Back Bloomberg, Slighting Democratic Rival (By MICHAEL BARBARO, NY Times)
- Pols, Press Party with Sharpton and His Corrupt Network (By Wayne Barrett, Village Voice/Runnin Scared [Wayne Barrett's blog])
- Staten Island GOP Poised To Back '$150 Million Gorilla' (Elizabeth Benjamin, Daily News/Daily Politics) GOP dinner Thurs. nite at Grand Hyatt
- Bloomberg A 'Sharpton Fan' (Elizabeth Benjamin, Daily News/Daily Politics)
- New York, NY - Mayor Bloomberg A ‘Sharpton Fan' (Jewkey! NOTE: Jewkey! is a highly popular, rapidly-growing orthodox site that meets the demanding media needs of the Orthodox Jewish communities across the world.] Mentions Fulani
- Tonight: Rivera Endorses Thompson, Bloomberg Dines With NY Republicans and Romney (By AZI PAYBARAH, NY Politicker)
- Bloomberg to Dine With Manhattan G.O.P. (By AZI PAYBARAH, NY Politicker)
- The Death of the New York City Democrat (By JASON HOROWITZ, NY Politicker)
- The NY-20 Absentee Ballots: A Potential Tie? (By Eric Kleefeld, TPMDC) If we hazard a few guesses -- that Murphy got nearly all the Democrats, Tedisco got a large but slightly smaller share of Republicans, and Murphy took the unaffiliated voters by the kind of strong margins that Democrats have been pulling off recently here -- we can come to a rough estimate.
- In N.Y. 20, Final Tally Waits But The Spin is In (By Emily Cadei, CQ Politics) But Republican voters do not necessarily translate into Tedisco voters. Republicans enjoy a 70,000 voter-registration advantage in the district, yet the race as it stands now is a virtual tie. And independent voters, which have swung Democrat in recent years, make up a quarter of registered voters and no doubt a significant portion of absentee voters, as well.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
PREVIEW: How the Independent Movement Went Left By Going Right
You can see Jackie Salit's full analysis here
- Juan Williams demarcates the Obama favorability lines -- independents still like Barack, Rush Limbaugh represents "hyper-partisanship"
- Jury still out on upstate New York's 20th -- pundits longing to draw conclusions.... and TPMDC's Eric Kleefeld is WAY behind the curve on independent voters.... Just to note: The 20th Congressional District is home to 432,771 active voters, including 180,810 Republicans, 113,354 Democrats, 20,020 members of the Independence Party, 8,425 Conservatives, 1,504 members of the Working Families Party, 1,483 Greens, 114 Libertarians and 105,059 unaffiliated voters, according the state Board of Elections. Soft Dems? I think not!
- William Redpath, Libertarian National Committee Chair says "interest" in Libertarian Party is rising... Hmmm...Spoken like a true partisan!
- Independent politics, partisan style in PA
- Open primaries gaining ground in California
- Open primaries in the hands of partisan interests in Illinois
- Independents move ahead, Republicans stall on negotiations with Bloomberg '09