Very smart post on We Could Be Famous (we wonder if the rest of the sentence is "but we're not!"--btw-a GOOD thing...): Clinton's rivals are passing up on the chance to exploit her most glaring weakness with Democratic and Independent voters, instead waiting for her perceived "unlikability" to catch up to her..... So the question remains, will rival Democrats challenge Senator Clinton directly on this issue? If they don't, and Clinton wins the nomination, you can certainly bet the Republicans will.
Read it!!! The Hankster recommends it!
Should Obama and Hillary debate in New York at the Apollo? You decide...
Independents - Making Our Voices Heard: NH-CIV will be hosting an event this fall. It will be held on Sunday, October 14th at Alpine Groves in Hollis. Please mark your calendars!
And then there's the Dems' LEFT is RIGHT (blogging against The Bush-war) on looking for independent votes without talking to independent voters... Well, that's ok... Let's encourage them with some independent verve.....
From Iowa Insider by Charlotte Eby: Former Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Gordon Fischer announced Monday he is backing Barack Obama in the Iowa caucuses. Fischer said he is endorsing Obama partially because of the “electability” factor and his crossover appeal. He also believes Obama has the best chance against any of the Republicans... He said to win in Iowa and other swing states, a candidate has to bring out independent voters, as well as some Republicans, and he’s convinced Obama can do that.
And what do you think about the reachability of YouTube? From taking down words
Indiana politics...à la carte (great subtitle!!!): More generally, YouTube is great if you can break through from the Internets to the real world, where independent voters might see what you're doing. But those instances are rare....
From Independents Unbound (Thoughts, observations, opinions and rants from small "i" independents, who, usually, decide the more important elections in America. Now, we are taking names and kicking ass; all year, every year!): Independent Voters Tilt Democrat Can't say we didn't tell you so... The only party that is really gaining adherents is the (i)ndependent (un)party. The latest generation to gain voting rights are registering independent in huge numbers and the vast majority of them are anti-establishment to varying degrees. They see both major political parties as establishment parties.Neither major party can count on their loyalty. They are thinking people, anti-ideology and -dogma..... So true, so true!!
The Hankster
thanks for the plug, this is an extremely well-developed site with excellent posts. consider it bookmarked.
You're welcome! Thanks very much!
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