Checking in on Rock The Debates. You may have been on a much deserved vacation and missed this wonderful collection of video catching the candidates on camera. Go there now! Do not delay!
In "The Question" A Registered Independent says "every voter in America should see" Rock the Debates... "I couldn't believe the responses that I heard from the candidates. I found them appalling...."
Ballot Access News also took note that Rock the Debates Now Has Responses from 7 Major Party Presidential Candidates as did Third Party Watch, which has a "review" of candidate responses worth taking a look at...
The Hankster is a Big Fan of Rock the Debates (as well as A Registered Independent, Ballot Access News and Third Party Watch...) and commented most recently in Conversations on Political Insanity
Wingnuts & Moonbats (very interesting blog.....) also covered this gem, as did On The Wilder Side.... (also very nice blog who "have a commitment to voter choice and grassroots democracy. That commitment manifests as support of ballot access; supporting third party, independent and outsider candidates; and believing in the need for write-ins and “none of the above” as choices on the ballot"....)
Greens for Greens posted this link to On The Wilder Side... and where did it all begin? Paulie Cannoli tells his story: "Several LNC members, including Chuck Moulton,who gave me a ride down to Orlando, are involved with starting Rock The Debates..."
So go! What're ya waitin' for???
Per Monday's NY Daily News:
"Just in case Mayor Bloomberg changes his mind about seeking the White House, Frank MacKay plans to have a national third party ready and waiting to help Hizzoner get there.
"And if not Bloomberg, then some other rich, apolitical candidate will do.
"MacKay, chairman of New York's Independence Party, is poised to launch the Independence Party of America - a 50-state initiative designed to get a nonmajor party candidate on the 2008 presidential ballot.
"The party's first organizational meeting is scheduled for next Sunday at the White Plains Crowne Plaza."
Thankie for the linkage... A few people have made a visit, already... (If this keeps up, I may have to pay more attention to keeping my content fresh as a daisy... 8>)
Great!!! It's a great site -- I agree with Registered Independent -- EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS!!!
Keep up the great work!
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