Today is primary day and 3.5 million Flori

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Howard Wolfson: Responsible Nonpartisan? I think NOT

There's a whole lot of ink about Mayor Michael Bloomberg running for a third term for mayor of New York City. Personally, I think Mayor B. needs to huddle with the Independence Party... And, I'm listening right now to Howard Woflson, a long-time Dem strategist, suddenly becoming an independent...

Hmmm...  Howard is against term limits. He'd like to get the Dem message out... Howard: Bring crime down, bring test scores up...

Ok, here's an example of the kind of partisanship that the electorate is very sensitive to. Howard Wolfson is not a spokesperson for the voters, but the Dems have to appeal to independent voters... 

Wolfson does not appeal to independent voters.


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