Today is primary day and 3.5 million Flori

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Texas: Will students register for Kinky?

From the Pioneer Press we learn that the former Gov of Minnesota has Ventura-ed South to try to pull students into the Texas race. Minnesota has same-day voter registration. In Texas, new voters have until Oct. 10 to register for the November elections.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kinky has many supporters in the Music community (Possibly DJ's and performers will be talking about it at shows), and Jesse Ventura is very popular amoung the student/younger crowd. Those 2 are will be a big draw at Campus's.

Since most College age tend to vote Democrat, it will probably take away from Bell, but it may get a few more people to register and vote.

Texas early voting is fairly Liberal (i.e. easy and opened to anyone at any county early voting station) and frequently there is a station available on larger campus's (as well as malls, etc).