Political Director of the Committee for a Unified Party (CUIP) Jackie Salit, hit Joe Lieberman and his fake independent status on the blogs on Friday:
Possible Problem in Lieberman Application?Connecticut Local PoliticsThis letter was sent to SOTS Susan Bysiewicz by an organization representing independent voters and candidates. It could be a problem for Lieberman, althought I doubt it.
"Dear Ms. Bysiewicz, I am writing in my capacity as Political Director of the Committee for a Unified Independent Party, Inc. We are a national organization which advocates for and represents the interests of independent voters, including many in Connecticut who are concerned about the independent candidate status your office is about to confer on Senator Joseph Lieberman....."
Friday, September 08, 2006
Lamont BlogIndependents to Joe: You're Not One Of UsJacqueline Salit, Director of the Committee for a Unified Independent Party whose Independence Party (NY) supported Mayor Bloomberg in 2005, today called on the Sec. of State to withold certification of Sen. Lieberman's ballot application on technical grounds, and criticized Sen. Lieberman's continuing self-identification as an Independent:
"There is mounting concern among independent voters in Connecticut that Mr. Lieberman's so called 'independent candidacy' is a fraud on the voting public," states Salit. "He is not an independent, but is rather a Democrat who availed himself of an escape hatch in state Election Law allowing to reinvent himself as an 'independent-in-name-only' candidate after he lost his own party's primary."...
Friday, September 08, 2006
Connecticut BlogJoe Lieberman: from DINO to IINO?Oh oh, I feel a Drudge light moment...Man, Joe can't find any love. I guess he better stick to campaigning in Waterbury.
It seems like the de facto Republican who claims to now be an independent just pissed off the Committee for a Unified Independent Party (CUIP) and who are pissed off and want him to stop using the term "Independent."Personally, I rahter use the word Ignore when I see the letter "I" next to his name.From the CUIP press release:
"An organization representing independent voters today registered an objection to the certification of Joseph Lieberman as an independent candidate for U.S. Senate. In a letter to the Secretary of State, Jacqueline Salit, the Political Director of CUIP, asserted that Senator Lieberman's application was deficient on its face and failed to comply with election law standards required this year of other groups. ..."