Today is primary day and 3.5 million Flori

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Jackie Salit's Election Analysis

A preview from the upcoming Neo-Independent Editor's Note:

.....CNN’s Bill Schneider credits independents – who broke two-to-one for Democrats – with the Democratic Party taking control of Congress. He’s right to do so, but he does not credit independents with defining the issue that drove the realignment. That’s not unusual. How many articles have been written about the 1994 Republican Revolution which omit that the GOP takeover of the House was accomplished by deftly recasting itself in the mold set by the Perot movement two years earlier? Too many.

Independents had a good year. Closer to the American people than the major parties are, they helped voters find their anti-war voice. They showed the neo-cons the door. They developed some grassroots organization, “ordained” new rank and file leaders in dozens of states, attracted some quality candidates, and won some fights to keep the independent movement multi-racial and inclusionary. They even brought some old independents back into the game and got them talking to one another for the first time in years......

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