NYC mainstream media COVERAGE
- Rift In City, State Independence Party Factions To Be On Display At Charter Hearing (BY CELESTE KATZ, NY Daily News/Daily Politics)
- Term Limits Dominate Charter Panel's Conversation In The Bronx (By: Bobby Cuza, NY1) A few dozen members of the public turned out Wednesday to give their input on changes to city government. But they were upstaged by the commissioners, who spent more than an hour in spirited debate over term limits, which some are opposed to altogether.
- Non-Partisan Elections: To Be, Or Not To Be? (BY CELESTE KATZ, NY Daily News/Daily Politics) Several commissioners seemed to express interest in CU's proposal but Commission Chairman Mathew Goldstein, the CUNY chancellor, seemed skeptical about whether there'd be enough time to put such a controversial - and potentially complicated - issue on the November ballot.
- Nonpartisan Elections, Continued (Gotham Gazette) In their comments Citizens Union officials cited declining voter turnout and the fact that many elections were decided in the Democratic primary — not open to some 1.5 million registered New York voters who are not Democrats. While other ideas — changing the voting calendar, for example, or allowing Election Day registration — might increase turnout — Dadey said, “Top two is the best way the charter commission can open up the process.
- Panel Mulls Pros, Cons Of Partisan Primaries (By: Grace Rauh, NY1) "A million five New Yorkers are disenfranchised from voting in the most decisive elections that affect them and their representative government," said Dick Dadey of Citizens Union.
- Call To Charter Commission: Do More (By Jarrett Murphy, City Limits)

- Surprise: Charter Commission to Give More Power to the Mayor (City Pragmatist, Alvin Berk via emal to The Hankster) After almost four months of working together to shape the city charter’s future, the 15 charter commission members undoubtedly have developed a strong sense of team identity and mutual respect. They also probably understand that the most important external critic of their performance is the mayor who appointed them — and whose remaining incumbency and personal wealth could give him the power to shape their professional futures.
- The Charter Commission at Brooklyn College (City Pragmatist) Notably, Independence Party leader Lenora Fulani — whose members have clamored for non-partisan elections at previous hearings — was in attendance Monday night, but didn’t speak, leaving the chore of publicly supporting the CU proposal to her party’s counsel, Harry Kresky. [SAME ARTICLE AS ABOVE]
- Citizens Union: NYC Needs Top-Two Elections (City Pragmatist) Notably, Independence Party leader Lenora Fulani — whose members have clamored for non-partisan elections at previous hearings — was in attendance Monday night, but didn’t speak, leaving the chore of publicly supporting the CU proposal to her party’s counsel, Harry Kresky.
- Citizens Union to Charter Commission: some sharing of power needed, but not fundamental change (hearing tonight) (Atlantic Yards blog) CU is rightly concerned with opening up elections and increasing abysmal voter turnout. Quotes City Pragmatist.
- NYC Independence Party's Cathy Stewart Testifies for Top Two Nonpartisan Election Before Charter Revision: Democratic Reform of the Political Process (The Hankster)
- Citizens Union John Avlon: Increased Interest in New York for Open Primary System (The Hankster)
- Citizens Union Urges NYC Charter Revision Commission to Put Top-Two Nonpartisan Primary Election Referendum on November Ballot (The Hankster)
- Establish a Top-Two Election System (The Hankster)
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