Today is primary day and 3.5 million Flori

Monday, June 25, 2007

Rock the Debates - now!

Larry Reinsch, Robert Sullentrup and Seth Cohn in Iowa have done a great job at bringing independents together and getting in front of the candidates -- Larry asked Hillary Clinton to commit to debating independent candidates and including other voices in the debates. Look for the video coming soon. In the meantime, please see Rock the Debates, now on the Hankser sidebar! Thanks, Iowa independents!!! Rock the Debates


Seth said...

Actually, I'm in New Hampshire, and Bob is in Missouri... This is a nationwide effort - with the best chances for video coming from Iowa and New Hampshire, thanks to the candidates having to 'meet the folks' one on one here.

Godwhacker said...

Great Idea Nancy. The coming debates are so important. I think it's important to have an objective rule for inclusion in the national debates. Every candidate on the ballot in enough states to win the electoral majority should be included in the debates without equivocation.

The right to run as president should require submission to this standard.