Today is primary day and 3.5 million Flori

Friday, August 31, 2007


  • Campaign roundup--Fred Thompson will bring some law and order to the race next week (RealClearPolitics)

  • Obama needs early win to get black vote (Washington Times)

  • Ron Paul, perhaps the most antiwar candidate in the race, appeals to alienated voters (Wall Street Journal)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very wild diary on OpenLeft, Naderites and Nominees, attacking Chris Bowers:

"This is Naderite self interest in its most naked form. This vile Naderite proposes an attack on the past sixteen years of Democratic Party leadership. The only two-term president elected as a Democrat is to be attacked by these vile Naderites. The very thought processes and people who with their own hands bought George Bush into the White House now want Democrats to attack the much loved and hard working two term Democratic president.

"Down with the Naderites."

If someone is attacked for being a Naderite, do independents defend them?