Today is primary day and 3.5 million Flori

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Live-blog Oct. 15 Presidential Debate: To Blog or Not to Blog, That is.... ... or do I Twitter the night away?

Let's see what happens!

Bob Sshieffer CBS for the CBC

Domestic Policy Debate

McCain likes to remind people about the prominent Repubs who are on his mind...

See Twitter for great ongoing commentary....

McCain is talking about keeping people in their homes. And the problem of other people being put out of their homes...

Obama: Greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression... CEOs should not enrich themselves...

9:11 They are both talking to Joe the Plumber... (I think Obama started this character)

McCain: wants to help small businesses like Joe the Plumber
Obama: "My friend Warren Buffett" plan will be better for Joe...

They are being very very interactive, not holding back, not waiting for Schieffer to call on them, etc. MUCH MORE INTERESTING!

McCain: Across the board cuts in govt. spending out of control... I will reduce...
Schieffer: How?
McCain: Reduce every earmark... cut out All the Pork

Obama: Sounds good, doesn't happen, yes we do need to do something to fund the programs that work... Earmarks account for 1/2 of 1% of the fed budget... history of budget surplus when Bush came into office, now 1/2 trillion deficit....

McCain: I'm not Bush

Obama: You have been a vigorous supporter of Pres. Bush. You have been outspoken on torture, however on econ policy, hasn't worked....

McCain: I have disagreed with the Bush Admin, I've got the scars to prove it.... I have a long history of standing up in Congress...

Schieffer: tone of campaign, nastiness, negativeness....

McCain: It's been a tough campaign. Obama didn't want to do a town hall campaign... the worst chapter in American History segregation... Obama needs to repudiate John Lewis.....

Obama: 100% of your ads John have been negative... yes vigorous debate on health care, energy etc... I don't mind being attacked during the next 4 weeks, but American people need to hear about the issues....

Obama: responding to John Lewis, goes at audience taunts "Kill Him"... Amercian people have become so cynical about politics bec. they only see tit for tat...

McCain trying to jump in

Obama: paling around with terrorists

McCain: I'm proud of our audiences, but to say that military wives for mccain and the veterans who wear those hats.... my audiences are nothing but patriotic... just bec. someone yells out something at a rally.... you've had same... we shouldn't stand for these things...

Obama: Key to recognize that solving the problems in the economy, Dems indies and Repubs need to work together, disagree without being disagreeable, can't characterize each other as being bad people...

McCain: I don't care about some old washed up terrorist... we need to know about [Acorn]

Schieffer will extend the time on this....

Obama: Ayers is now substance in McCain's campaign.... [reciting history of relationship] going over his "associations" -- seems to be very effective...!

McCain: Acorn, Ayers, livingroom, [CNN poll tracking going down....] My campaign is getting the economy back on track, not raising taxes....

Schieffer: Next topic. Running mates.

Obama: stump speech on domestic issues....
McCain: Palin a role-model to women.... gave money back to taxpayers... understands autism... [CNN tracker likes this...]

Obama: Nation will decide if she's qualified. Dealing with autism will take funding...
McCain: Biden voted against the first Gulf War.... disagree on national security policy, etc. Obama says we need to spend more...

McCain: energy independence
Obama: energy independence w/ alternatives

McCain: Obama has never traveled south of our border.... drug war...
Obama: produce fuel efficient cars... transporation accounts for 30% of our [something] -- alternative energy

McCain: Obama doesn't want free trade but wants to be with Hugo Chavez, terrorist-sympathizer.... Obama wants to restrict trade and -- HERBERT HOOVER

Schieffer: New topic, health care

Obama: [human interest stories] Toledo, coverage, sick, bankrupt: plan -- if you have health insurance, keep it. Lower costs (can cut $2500/year for family) If you have no insurance, you will be able to buy in to the same type plan that Congress has.

McCain: Painful situation for Americans. The cost is painful. We need to put health care records on line. Obesity is bad. Employers should reward employees who join gyms. Joe the Plumber, Sen. Obama wants to fine you.

Obama: Joe, if you're out there, your fine is zero....

Obama: (cont.) reciting the details of the insurance plan
McCain: (apparently has created a character on stage Joe the Plumber) talking to Joe, will receive current benefits plus $5000 except for the cadillacs etc. Joe should choose the plan. Govt is too big, increased by 40% in the past 8 years. Dems in contol during th past 2 year.

Schieffer: Roe v Wade/Supreme Court

McCain: no litmus test on supreme court appointment. need qualified rather than social policy litmus test. Dems were partisan.... Obama sided with Dems. I would consider anyone....
Obama: Their capacity to provide fairness and justice to the American people. Important consideration in election, Roe v Wade probably hangs in balance. I supported R v W.... women in best position to determine the decision (on abortion -- word not used on tv...?)

[missing discussion from Twitting.... sorry... I'll be serious now...]
seems to be a discussion on partial birth abortion [now they are using the word abortion...]
McCain: "life of the mother" has been stretched to mean "almost anything" by the pro-abortion movement

Schieffer: education, [trucks and loud vehicles outside]
Obama: we need to get our ed system right. more money? reform? we need both -- we will have to invest.... recruit new generation of teachers esp. in science and math... Student loans. and parents have to take responsibility

McCain: it's the civil rights issue of the day. Choice and competition. Proven in New Orleans and NYC -- charter schools. Student loans.

Schieffer: fed govt role?
Obama: Important that fed govt steps up to help local school systems to succeed. [some rhetoric about no child left behind...] teachers higher salaries.... supports charter schools ... yes to competition... bad teachers need to go.... [more rhetoric] someone has to pay for it...
McCain: [condescending] Wash. DC example vouchers surprised you didn't mention that...[??] Head start is good, but not effective... let's reform it. Dems didn't support that, need reform and transparency and autism that Sarah Palin knows about, and we .... [more rhetoric] will support the reforms and fund those reforms, esp. vouchers.

Obama: Vouchers in DC -- vouchers isn't the way to go... details, tackle the problem headon...
McCain: (another sarcastic remark....]

McCain: HMO Bill of Rights, 9/11 commission, steward of tax dollars.... STOP THE SPENDING. Long line of McCains serving this country.
Obama: American tough times. Washington's unwillingness to tackle the tough issues. Failed politics.... Need fundamental change... grow the middle class.... not easy not quick... Dems, independents, Repubs.... will work tirelessly on behalf of our children....


Schieffer quotes mom: go vote now it will make you big and strong....


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