Dzul Dance Brings Mexican Culture to Life in New York
Dzul Dance fuses dance with aerial arts as a means to communicate pre-Hispanic and Mexican culture and create dialogue between contemporary art and historical heritage. By transforming bodies into earthbound and airborne forces of nature Dzul breaks physical, cultural and political boundaries. Artistic Director Javier Dzul grew up in Mexico performing the ritual dances of his Mayan tribal community. He left his community to dance with professional companies such as Ballet Nacional de Mexico, Ballet Folklorico de Mexico, the Martha Graham Dance Company, Pearl Lang Dance Theater, and Alvin Ailey Repertory Ensemble...... (from Mexico Premiere)
Dzul Dance website here: http://www.dzuldance.com/_index.html
AND look who's writing about Performing the World:
Performing the World Conference - Starts Oct 2nd (in Extra Criticum)
Interesting thing just crossed my desk. I've never attended, but the concept sounds intriguing: A three-day "happening" of performances, workshops, panel discussions, lectures, community tours and improvisation. Performing the World 2008 (PTW '08) brings together activists, artists, educators, young people, practitioners... (from American Theater Web Newsclips)
MinC propõe mudanças na legislação de Direito Autoral (from Post Express)
No dia 4 de outubro, o Performing the World (PTW ’08) celebrará, em Nova Iorque, o “Dia Internacional da Juventude”. O evento reunirá organizações de jovens do mundo inteiro como Kainai High School, Blood Reserve (Kainai Nation), Canadá; Street Spirits Theatre Company, Canadá; Kids Rethink New Orleans Schools, Louisiana, EUA; The Campeche Youth Initiative, México; Centro de Asesoria y Promocion Juvenil, México; Democracy Begins In Conversation, África do Sul; Justice for Children Trust, Zimbábue; Performing Life, Bolívia; Tears Group, Quênia e Aprender Brincando, Brasil. (in Cultura e Mercado)
Performing the World '08 To Get Global Participation
More than 300 artists, activists and educators from all over the world will gather in New York City, October 2-5, for Performing the World '08. Focused on "the emergence of performance as a new way of relating to, understanding and changing the world," the conference will present dozens of performances, workshops, panel discussions and lectures, by practitioners involved in performance work related to cultural, economic or psychological development, community-building, social justice, individual and social transformation and social entrepreneurship. (from API News, Community Arts Network)
Performing the World 2008 Conference
Elena Marcevska will Present at International Performance Conference in New York City. Elena Marcevska will be doing a lecture at Performing the World 2008, an international conference on performance and social development, being held in New York City, October 2-5. She will be delivering a paper entitled “Performing motherhood while working on the streets and intersection”. Elena Marcevska, recently a mother herself, for the purposes of this project, is working with Roma mothers who are begging with their children on the streets and intersections of Skopje, the capital of Macedonia... (from Elenaj's Weblog)
Jennifer Bullock’s Personal Growth Weblog
Build your life and community through creativity, culture and emotional growth (link)
Performing the World: Jackass go to New York!Posted on Wednesday, 4 June 2008 at 8:50 by
County Durham’s Jackass Youth Theatre have been invited to present “Sharp Practice”, their recent project about slavery, at Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow, a Performing the World conference and festival in New York in October 2008. (from Youth Theatre News)
Domestic Crusaders: Must See In NYC Oct. 2 - 5
Wajahat Ali, a Muslim Pakistani-American playwright, journalist, humorist and writer, (and a former student of mine) will present excerpts from “The Domestic Crusaders” at Performing the World ’08 (PTW ’08), an international conference and festival that will take place from October 2-5, 2008 in New York City. PTW ‘’08 is expected to attract over 400 grassroots practitioners, activists, scholars and researchers from throughout the United States and around the world.
“The Domestic Crusaders” focuses on one day in the life of a modern Muslim Pakistani-American family who come together to celebrate the 21st birthday of the youngest child. Against the backdrop of September 11 and the scapegoating of Muslim Americans, the tensions and sparks fly among three generations, culminating in an intense family battle as each “crusader” struggles to assert and impose their respective voices and opinions, while still attempting to maintain and understand that unifying thread that makes them part of the same family...... (from ImmigrationProf Blog)
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