Performing the World 2008 Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
A unique conference/festival of performance activists from around the world
New York City
Thursday evening October 2 - Sunday afternoon October 5, 2008
A three-day "happening" of performances, workshops, panel discussions, lectures, community tours and improvisation. Performing the World 2008 (PTW '08) brings together activists, artists, educators, young people, practitioners and scholars from dozens of countries, all of whom are involved in the emergence of performance as a new way of relating to, understanding and changing the world. Open to all.
In the midst of this exciting Happening, The Hankster will be hosting a workshop called "Blogging the World: An Online Stage for Activists (Or Performatory Blogging for Everyone)". "Blogging the World" will be both a session which addresses Performing The World's themes of community-building, performance and development, as well as a performance within a performance--a "happening within a happening", broadcast throughout the blogosphere. Stay tuned!
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